Tag Archives: windows 10


How to upgrade to Windows 10?

Now that you have heard of the new operating system from Microsoft and learned about the latest features and benefits of Windows 10, its time for an upgrade. There are a few things that you may need to keep in mind before you start the upgrade process:

Windows 10 Upgrade

  1. Windows 10 upgrade is allowed only on computers that run Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
  2. Windows 10 is free to upgrade for the next one year from now.
  3. Do backup your data before the upgrade, as the process may require deletion and rewriting of few system files.
  4. Make sure you have an active Internet connection and a 3GB+ USB drive to create a bootable flas drive.

Follow these steps to upgrade to Windows 10:

  1. Download and Install the Windows 10 Media creation Tool from here.
  2. Run the tool and select the option to upgrade the PC and click on next. (Note: Make sure you have the USB drive plugged in, if you have chosen to create an installation media.)
  3. Choose the language and proper opertaing system version and click on next.
  4. You can either run a clean installation which wipes out all data and installs a fresh copy of windows or an inplace installation.
  5. Choose to allow Windows to download the required drivers.
  6. Agree to the license agreement to initiate the installation.
  7. You may skip to enter the license key if you are doing an upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, whereas you are required to enter the key for a fresh install.

Now enjoy the features of the brand new Windows version. However, if you feel sick of it you have an option to roll back to Windows 8.1 within the first month of the upgrade.

Ten things that you should know about Windows 10

Windows 10 is upgrade is free

You may find it hard to believe, yet it is a surprising fact that Microsoft has announced the free upgrade to Windows 10 up to 29th July 2016. Any computer which is running a licensed version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 is eligible for the upgrade. In case, you haven’t received any notification for the upgrade, you shall download the 3GB, Windows 10 upgrade media here.

Windows 10

Windows 10 comes back with the Start Menu

It has been so disappointing for the users and many went complaining about the removal of the start menu in Windows 8. After a long wait, Microsoft has finally listened to its customers and has put back the start menu in Windows 10. Though it looks a little different from the previous versions of Windows, it definitely will give a sign of relief for the users.

Easy switch to Tablet mode with Continuum feature

The continuum feature in Windows 10 allows convertible laptop users to easily switch between the tablet and desktop modes. The feature automatically switches the device between desktop to tablet while changing the hardware modes.

The new Virtual Desktop feature

The task view and virtual desktop feature in windows 10 reduces clutter and helps you to navigate between the open windows and arrange them to a virtual desktop.

One Drive may now not be an Online only feature

Unlike Windows 8.1, the One Drive feature in Windows 10 will allow your files to sync only on demand, serving the purpose of both the lovers and haters of the concept of cloud storage.

Digital Assistance with Cortana

With the Apple fans more proud with Siri, now Windows users too shall be proud of their voice based assistance Cortana. Yes, Microsoft has introduced the voice based digital assistance called Cortana to assist you in searching your files or perform a task without clicking even a single button.

Faster Access to the Action Center

Swipe from the right or press Windows + A to get a quick glimpse of the system alerts and app notifications all in one popup without having to check for them individually. Also many important system settings like the WiFi, Bluetooth and Airplane mode now shall be available with the Action center.

Microsoft Edge to save the browser market

Can you believe that the Internet Explorer loses its position as the official browser of Microsoft with Windows 10. Yes, with an aim to strongly hit back Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft has come back with a new browser called the Microsoft Edge. Though still to receive more updates, the browser is said to be highly active and responsive than its previous versions. Also, it will support all the browser extensions available for Chrome and Firefox in the future months.

Windows Update will be a compulsion

One feature which many users may not like is the compulsory installation of the updates in Windows 10. Unless a user defines his Internet connection as metered, they may not have any control over the installation of the updates.

Internet sharing with WiFi Sense

Similar to the Windows mobiles, Windows 10 will also feature the WiFi Sense option which will allow its users to share the login credentials of their WiFi network to other Windows 10 contacts. However, users have full control on whether or not not to share their WiFi network with their contacts.

Layout mode
Predefined Skins
Custom Colors
Choose your skin color
Patterns Background
Images Background